5 de junio de 2007

Oh, so fucking blu

Los amigos se van, las ilusiones mueren
Todos venimos y vamos al mismo lugar
que tenemos de distintos?
No somos lo que tenemos,
solo nuestros pensamientos nos gritan desde adentro lo que en realidad sentimos
nunca somos tan idiotas de no escucharlos, pero si los tapamos es porque duelen....

I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a King of infinte space...

You are the sun and moon and stars are you
And I could never run away from you
You try at working out chaotic things
And why, should I believe myself not you?
It's like the world is gonna end so soon
And why should I believe myself?
You, me and everything caught in the fire
I can see me drowning
Caught in the fire.

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