23 de julio de 2010


If you can's stop the world
because millions raindrops
come falling from the sky
you shouldn't stop it
for a tiny ranidrop
running through your cheek

17 de julio de 2010

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

Her eyes are tunels.
Her skin is ice.
Her arms are branches
that drag you down.
But be careful
tunels have light at last,
branches might take you higher,
and ice cracks when it falls down.

13 de julio de 2010


A veces la pregunta no es Por qué
Por qué no-

12 de julio de 2010

Is someone getting the best of you?

11 de julio de 2010


La imaginacion
es el ultimo lugar libre
del hombre esclavo;
el lugar mas sencillo
a donde huir;
el ultimo refugio
de quien no tiene calma.